FAQs: Understanding Utility Locating and Easements in Your Community

FAQs: Understanding Utility Locating and Easements in Your Community

In your neighborhood, you may have noticed colorful flags and paint markings appearing in unexpected places, including your own yard. Before you get concerned, let’s clarify that these markers play a vital role in our underground utility locating process. We’re committed to identifying underground utilities to minimize any disruptions during installation. However, it’s crucial to understand that the presence of these markers doesn’t necessarily imply that we’ll be digging on your property without your consent.

No Digging on Your Property Without an Access Agreement

Our construction teams plan to only excavate your property if you have signed an access agreement or granted us permission to do so. Therefore, if you see paint and flags in your yard, don’t fret – it’s all part of our meticulous planning for this significant fiber infrastructure project.

Utility Locating FAQs

To further clarify any questions or concerns you might have, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about utility locating and easements:

Q1. What the Locates Mean: The term “locates” refers to the markings that guide construction crews to existing underground utilities. These markings, typically represented by paint and flags, are critical for both crew safety and the protection of existing infrastructure.

Q2. Why So Many Locates Are Placed: Multiple locates are often necessary because they may not always be entirely accurate. Ensuring crews know the exact location of underground infrastructure is essential for safe and precise construction.

Q3. Locators Entering Yards Without Homeowner Knowing: We understand that homeowner awareness is crucial. Rest assured, there might be times that the third party locate company may need to access your yard to locate vital underground infrastructure.

Q4. Duration of Locates: Construction usually occurs within two weeks of locating utilities. However, locates may remain in place for more than two weeks, depending on construction timing and any “expiry dates” set by utility companies.

Q5. Lawn Maintenance with Locates: If locates are on your lawn, please DO NOT REMOVE FLAGS OR PAINT. Moving flags can be dangerous for everyone involved. If truly needed, please mow around the locates.

Q6. Holes in Driveways: It is highly unlikely that we’ll need to places any holes in driveways. But, there are scenarios where pavement or asphalt driveways are over utilities. In these scenario’s, we may need to, for safety reasons, locate underground utilities.

Q7. Damage To Lawns: There will be instances where we need to excavate portions of lawns on easements, or drive vehicles on your lawn. We will be the first to admit that sometimes the process is very messy, but we work very hard to remediate as quick as possible.

Q8. Lawn Remediation: All lawns will be restored with backfill, and once the final grade is achieved, grass seed will be planted. We ask for homeowners help by watering the seed as needed.

Q9. Why We Don’t Use Sod: In our experience, sod requires regular watering and doesn’t promote a lasting solution.

Q10. Access to Design Plans: Please consult the town directly to review the project’s design plans.

Q11. Permission and Consent: Permission was obtained and evaluated through the Municipality Master Access Agreement, which covers fiber infrastructure underground placement alongside public rights-of-way and easements.

Q12. Duration in an Area: We strive to work quickly and efficiently, typically being in an area or neighbourhood for a couple of weeks. The exact timeline can vary.

Q13. Remediation Completion: The time for remediation depends on the construction season. Initial backfill may take time to naturally settle, and some remediation might occur in the spring.

Don’t Miss Out on Future-Proofing Your Home

Fast, Reliable High speed Internet is an essential service. By signing an access agreement or Fiber Access Request, you contribute to this essential development. It ensures a hassle-free experience for you and helps us connect your services faster.

Contact us now at support@CanadianFiberOptics.ca or call 1-888-236-2947 to get started on your high-speed journey. Together, we’re building a brighter digital future for your community.

4 things to know about your Fiber Access Request

4 things to know about your Fiber Access Request

In today’s fast-paced digital world, reliable internet access isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Whether you use the internet for work, leisure, or keeping up with the latest trends, having your home ready for the future is important. And that’s exactly what Northern Lights Fiber is here to provide for your community in rural Alberta.

Our mission is clear: we’re dedicated to bridging the Digital Divide, ensuring that everyone in your community has access to lightning-fast internet speeds and the countless benefits that come with it. Some people in your community need some One way we’re achieving this goal is through our state-of-the-art fiber-optic network. And the best part? You can secure your access to this cutting-edge technology today, absolutely free.

Here’s why he Fiber Access Request should be at the top of your to-do list:

It’s Completely Free

Perhaps the most compelling reason to sign a Fiber Access Request is that it won’t cost you a dime. We’re offering free construction and free installation to ensure that everyone in your community can enjoy the benefits of fiber-optic internet. By waiting to sign, you risk missing out on this incredible opportunity.

Future-Proof Your Home

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging all the time. By signing a Fiber Access Request, you’re future-proofing your home. You’re ensuring that you’l have access to state-of-the-art technologies as they become available. Whether it’s augmented reality, advanced home automation, or innovations we can’t even imagine yet, fiber-optic internet will be your gateway to the future.

Boost Your Property Value

Did you know that fiber-optic to your home can significantly boost your home’s resale value? When potential buyers see that your home is already equipped with high-speed fiber connectivity, it becomes a major selling point. It’s possible the best FREE investment you’ll ever make on your property.

Very Rare To See Fiber in Rural Communities

Access to fiber-optic internet is still a rarity in many rural communities, including here in Alberta. By signing a Fiber Access Request, you’re seizing a unique opportunity to bring cutting-edge technology to your doorstep. Don’t miss out on the chance to be at the forefront of digital connectivity in your area.

But remember, signing a Fiber Access Request doesn’t commit you to any internet services. It simply guarantees that you’ll have access to this infrastructure when you’re ready to sign up for high-speed internet in your home.

So, why wait? Secure your free future install now by signing a Fiber Access Request with Northern Lights Fiber. Don’t miss the chance to future-proof your home, increase your property value, and be part of a digital revolution in your community. Sign up today and join us in bridging the Digital Divide!

To sign your Fiber Access Request or learn more about our services, click here or reach out to Northern Lights Fiber at 1-888-236-2947.

The future is here, and it’s faster and brighter with fiber-optic internet from Northern Lights Fiber.