What’s the difference between the Internet & Wi-Fi?

The Internet is connected networks all over the world., while Wi-Fi is your personal wireless network within your home. Sometimes, your WiFi signal can be weak – which is why WiFi6 technology come with ALL our packages. And if the WiFi signal is still struggling to get to the important areas of your household, then we offer WiFi Mesh!  

Why can’t I get a good signal in my bedroom?

Think about it like a speaker, the further you get away, the softer the sound is. Your Wi-Fi works the same way. The further away you get, the weaker the signal. If there are things like metal, concrete, thick walls, and mirrors, between you and the router these can weaken the signal even more.

Will my Internet speed tests slower when I’m on Wi-Fi?

The further you get away from the WiFI Router (i.e. lower bars), the slower the speed will test. But with the latest in WiFi6 technology that we offer, our signal is not only better – but it tests out at MUCH FASTER SPEEDS. So with proper placement, we know there will be no problems.

Please remember that all our internet packages come with a FREE WiFi router – if you sign up for a 2-year contract!

How can I get a better signal in my bedroom (or other places, like my patio)?

The placement of your router or gateway determines where the Wi-Fi signals are strongest in your home, or outside your home. Our technicians will find the most logical place for your WiFi Router. The more centrally located, the more of your home it will reach. However, if your router or gateway is in a location where it can’t be moved you can add extenders to push the signal further into other areas of your home.

What if I still can’t get a signal everywhere?

With our WiFi MESH/EXTENDER solution, we can easily add a mesh extender to make sure all areas of your home is covered. Our WiFi Mesh is only $19.99 more a month! Some homes are just too big for a normal router signal and will need the mesh device to get signal to all areas.